Saturday, December 27, 2008

Homemade Christmas Dress

My mother-in-law made Beth her first Christmas dress. Isn't it beautiful? It came complete with matching bloomers! I love it and am so thankful my mother-in-law took the time to make it for her. I'm going to be attending my very first sewing class (birthday gift from mother-in-law) in January. I'm so excited! Quit laughing, I seriously am excited!

Beau's an Angel

At least he was in his preschool Christmas Program! ;)

Below is a 41 second clip from the program. The video was taken on my camera, so it's really poor quality. But, cute nonetheless!!! Why is it I can never remember to bring my video camera anywhere...important?

I know I've said it before, but I'm SO happy I put Beau in preschool this year. He's learning so much there, not only in regard to your basic academics, but about our Heavenly Father and the love he has for us all, as well. The other day he was watching me blow dry my hair and saw my frustration in regard to how unruly it was being. He came into the bathroom, reached out and touched my arm and said, "Mom, it's ok. God made you perfect just the way you are. Even if your hair is messy." Gee, thanks Beau!

Another moment of honesty from Beau...

I got my hair cut and colored last Saturday (WAY overdue!) and when I got home, my hair had dried naturally, thus it was very curly...and frizzy. When I came in the door Beau asked me what I did to my hair. I told him I got it cut and colored and asked him if he liked it? Beau's reply, "No, you looked better before. Why did you do that?" This kid doesn't mince his words, that's for sure!

Sunday, December 21, 2008


Up until a week or so ago I was still giving Beth baths in one of those infant tubs that you place on top of your sink. The boys were taking baths in the sink long before they were 9 months old, so I'm not exactly sure why it took me so long to make the transition with Beth.
Well, her first few baths in the kitchen sink were truly lovely: exciting and intriguing fun, yet still calm and relaxing for both Beth and myself. However, the last two baths have resulted in an aftermath much like that of a flood.

Bye-bye sink, hello bathtub!

Bad Mommy

Pretty, isn't it? Well, it should be considering Beau and I spent over 2 hours on it! Here's some important information that I need to get out there, so I can better hold myself accountable next year...
...I'm a control freak! There, I said it! Not only was this not a fun project for me, I'm pretty sure it wasn't quite the fun that Beau had imagined it would be, either.
Beau: Mom, can I unwrap the gingerbread pieces from the plastic they're in?
Me: No, I'm not sure how easily they might break, so you better just let me do it, ok?
Beau: Mom, can I do the frosting?
Me: Um, probably not, it's pretty messy and we need to get this part done quickly so we can move on.
Beau: I think I might like this kind of candy, can I have a piece?
Me: Well, we need to see how much of the candy we need for the house first. If there's any left, you can have some of that. We don't want to run out before we're finished. (The horror!!)
Me: No, no, Beau...put the red one here, and the green one over here, right. where. I'm. pointing.
Beau: Like this, Mommy?
Me: Yep, just like that. (As I adjust his piece of candy, ever so slightly.) *hangs head in shame*
And so on and so on...I think you get the gist, though. Poor Beau, huh? I just couldn't help myself. It had to be perfect, or why do it? I KNOW, I KNOW!!! We do it for our CHILDREN!
Soooo, next year, I have vowed to buy both Beau and Luke (Beth will still be too young) their own gingerbread houses and let them "have at it"!! No, really, I will!! I don't want to be that mom who's always correcting her children and giving them a complex or a feeling of being incapable of doing anything "right". Yes, I may know a little bit about how my actions will likely make them feel. Bless my mom, she meant well. :) Live and learn, I guess.
Next year, I'll be sure to post pictures of Tom holding me down in the other room while the boys create their masterpieces! :)

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Sitting Pretty

Happy Beth...

Mischievous Beth...

Adorable Beth...

Silly Beth...

More Mischievous Beth...
Something tells me I'll be seeing this "look" all too often!

BabyLegs, NOT to be confused with 80's Leg Warmers!

If you have to ask, I have no words for you.

Beth's gone WILD over BabyLegs! Roooaar!!!!
And so has her momma!
I just love them and wish I could buy them all. Tom, however, not so much! :)

And, just for good measure, a couple more pictures of Beth sportin' her new BabyLegs!

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Halloween Cuties

The cutest Trick-or-Treaters ever! Nope, I'm not biased. Just stating the facts! :)

Beau made a pumpkin gut snowman. Creative, don't you think? :)